Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata catalog. For any quesitons about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: Data Development:The Street Types (street_typ) are developed, identified, and mapped by the City Planning Commission and refrence street Center lines. The Street Types take into account, traditional levels of service for automobiles, pedestrian activity and land use. Upwards of thirty columns (from street_typ to stormwater) are populated according to the Complete Streets Handbook, as managed by the Streets Department and the Mayor’s Office of Transportation and utitilies. The Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan, as well as the Complete Streets Handbook both serve as the refrenes for this shapefile. Key attribute field names and descriptionsstreet_typ – Street Type as established by the PCPCSidewlk_Wd – Recommended Sidewalk WidthWlk_Zn – Recommended Walking Zone WidthCrb_Rmps –Curb Ramps installation priorityPd_Priorty - Shared/Pedestrian Priority Street development priorityFest_St - Festival (Curbless) Street development priorityBlding_Zn - Recommended Building Zone WidthFurn_Zn - Recommended Furnishing Zone WidthBike_Parki Bicycle Parking installation priorityLighting – Lighting installation priorityBenches - Benches & Street Furniture installation prioritySidewlk_Ca - Sidewalk Cafes installation priorityStreet_Tre - Street Trees installation priorityPlanters – Planters installation priorityStrmwtr_Pl - Stormwater Planters installation priorityStreet_Fur - Street Furniture installation priorityNewsstands – Newsstands installation priorityVendors – Vendors installation priorityArch_Featu - Architectural Features design priorityBike_Lane - Conventional Bike Laneinstallation priorityLeft_Side_ - Left-Side Bike Lane installation priorityBuff_Bike_ - Buffered Bike Lane installation priorityCntra_Flow - Contra-Flow Bike Lane installation priorityClimbng_Bi - Climbing Bike Lane installation priorityCycle_Trac - Cycle Trackinstallation priorityShared_Use - Shared-Use Path development priorityBike_Frien - Bicycle-Friendly Street development priorityMarked_Sha Marked Shared Lane installation priorityGreen_Pave Green Colored Pavement installation priorityBike_Signs - Bike Route Signs installation priorityOn_St_Park - On-Street Parking development priorityInSt_Bike_ - In-Street Bicycle Parking installation priorityLay_By_Lan - Lay-By Lanes development priorityLoading_Zn - Loading Zones installation priorityTransit_St - Transit Stops installation priorityAltUses_Pa - Alternative Uses of Parking Lanes development priorityLane_Width - Lane Width development prioritySpeed_Redu - Raised Speed Reducers installation priorityMedians – Medians development priorityChicanes – Chicanes development priorityBus_Lanes - Bus Lanes development priorityDriveways – Driveway placement priorityUtilities – Utilities installation priorityConstructi- Construction Disruption managementStormwater - Stormwater Management installation priorityCoordinate systemProjected Coordinate System:NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_FeetProjection: Lambert_Conformal_ConicGeographic Coordinate System: GCS_North_American_1983Datum: D_North_American_1983Unit of Measurement: US FootThematic mapping Use the street_typfield for thematic mapping and labeling.
Copyright Text: City of Philadelphia Ariel Ben-Amos
Mayor’s Office of Transportation and Utilities
1401 JFK Blvd, Suite 1430, Philadelphia PA 19102 | 215-686-9001
Description: This feature class was used to create maps, graphics, and inform analysis as part of the Philadelphia Trail Master Plan, adopted by the Planning Commission in July 2013. Please refer to the Philadelphia Trail Master Plan for further detail on the descriptions of the attributes described below. Inventory includes both existing trails and existing sidepaths, as defined below. Sidepaths are designated by the Streets Department with advisory approval from the Planning Commission, with the exception of sidepaths on Philadelphia Parks & Recreation property. Data Development – The data was developed during the planning process based on close collaboration with Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, Streets Department, and the Mayor’s Office of Transportation and Utilities. Data sources include the above mentioned and the Planning Commission. Alignments detailed here are not GPS calculated and are meant as guides to define approximate location and bounds of existing trails. Key Attributes Type 1= Trail or Sidepath. Categories are: Trail = Off road multi-purpose non-motorized right of way, typically wider than 8 feet. Sidepath = Off road multi-purpose non-motorized right of way, typically wider than 8 feet, functions are both sidewalk and multi-purpose trail.Trail Connector = Part of a trail that is a bridge, sidewalk, roadway crossing, driveway, or stairsOutside Philly Trail = Trails shown for regional context only. Material= The material of the trail or sidepath. Categories are: AsphaltConcrete DirtGravel WoodWidth= Where known, the width of the trail or sidepath. Typically only known for Philadelphia Park & Recreation facilities. Where not know, value = 0. Name= Where designated, the official name of the trailEntity= Responsible party for trail operations and maintenance. Where applicable, two entities may be listed. Limits= Where known limits exist, they are listed here. For example, no bicycles allowed or not bikeable, under construction. Type 2: Categories are: Asphalt Trail Boardwalk BridgeBridge Trail Concrete Plaza Trail Dirt Trail Driveway Gravel Trail Parking LotRamp Road CrossingSidewalk StairsType 3= The Categories are: Designated - a trail or sidepath with a name or part of a larger system Not Designated – a trail or sidepath without a namePaved= Paved or not pavedLength= Length of the trail in feet. This is a GIS calculated length, not calculated by survey or GPS.
Copyright Text: Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, Philadelphia City Planning Commission
Contact: Jeannette Brugger, Philadelphia City Planning Commission,
Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata catalog. For any quesitons about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: commercial corridors, centers, districts, and projects that provide consumer-oriented goods and services, including retail, food and beverage, and personal, professional, and business services.
Description: Abstract:This map data layer represents the city council districts for the City of Philadelphia, PA. The city council districts data layer was determined by the boundaries of the Philadelphia County voting precincts and the City Ordinance that established the districts based on the precincts.Data Development:N/AKey Attribute Fields:DISTRICT: The number of the council districtCoordinate System:Projection: Lambert Conformal ConicXY Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane Pennsylvania South FIPS 3702 (US Feet)Datum: NAD 1983Units of Measurement: Foot_USThematic Mapping:Use the DISTRICT field for thematic mapping and labeling.Other Information:N/A
Copyright Text: Philadelphia City Planning Commission
1515 Arch Street, 13 Fl, Philadelphia, PA 19102
GIS Manager: Darshna Patel (215) 683-4611 and
Description: Citywide land use as determined by the City Philadelphia Planning Commission (PCPC). Prepared for Philadelphia2035, the City’s comprehensive development plan, to support the zoning reform remapping and the District Planning projects. For more information on the Philadelphia2035 comprehensive planning process, see Land use classifications are activity-based. Each land unit has only one land use designation interpreted by a 1, 2 or 3-digit code. Specificity of a land use description increases from the one to three digit code. Example: 1= Residential, 1.2 = Residential Medium Density, and 1.2.1 = Residential Rowhouse.Land use features are derived from Philadelphia Water Department tax parcel boundaries (2009 to current release date) and from other GIS datasets prepared by City departments including: planimetric features, transportation right-of-ways (ROW), parks and open space, and water. Land use boundaries are typically coincident with PWD tax parcel boundaries, where tax parcel boundaries are available to define units of land. In some cases multiple land activities on a single parcel and been individual represented as individual polygons of land use. This land use feature class is under revision through 2014. Updates will be made to correct attributes and features and to populate 3-digit codes based upon field verifications made by PCPC staff. Land use field surveys will be conducted for each of the 18 Planning District beginning in 2011 as part of the Philadelphia2035 Compressive Planning process. For areas not yet updated by a Planning District field survey, land use designations are qualified estimates derived from the Office of Property Assessment data (see details under “Development Process” below). LineageThe land use feature class has been field checked and corrected for selected Planning Districts as follows. The year of the update is in parentheses: Central (2012)Central Northeast (2013)Lower North (2013)Lower Northeast (2012)Lower Northwest (2013)Lower South (2011)River Wards (2014)South (2014)West Park (2011)University Southwest (2012)Also includes portions of Lower Schuylkill (2012) in Lower Southwest and portions of the North district along the Amtrak corridor (2013).Field checks and updates are planned for the remaining Planning Districts as part of the Philadelpia2035 comprehensive planning process.Hunting Park West (2015)North Delaware (2015)Lower Southwest (2015)Germantown (2015)Portions along Roosevelt Boulevard (2015)Landuse Codes and DescriptionsLanduse codes are organized from the 1-digit to 3-digit level. Specificity of land use increases with each increasing digit. Coded numeric values are stored as integers. Full text descriptions are contained in separate string fields. Values in the 3-digit code and description fields may not be fully populated, indicating that these features have not been field verified, or that this level of specificity cannot be accurately assigned. All features are attributed at the 1- and 2-digit levels.Key Attribute Fieldsc_Dig1 - 1-digit level land use coding, numeric code.c_Dig2 - 2-digit level land use coding, numeric code.1.0 Residential 1.1 Residential Low Density1.2 Residential Medium Density1.3 Residential High Density2.0 Commercial2.1 Commercial Consumer2.2 Commercial Business and Professional2.3 Commercial Mixed Residential 3.0 Industrial 4.0 Civic/Institution5.0 Transportation6.0 Culture/Recreation6.1 Culture/Amusement6.2 Active Recreation7.0 Park/Open Space7.1 Park/Open Space7.2 Cemetery8.0 Water9.0Vacant or Other9.1 Vacant Land9.2 Other/Unknownc_Dig3 - 3-digit level land use coding, numeric code.c_Dig1Desc - 1-digit level land use text description.c_Dig2Desc - 2-digit level land use text description.c_Dig3Desc - 3-digit level land use text description.YEAR - the year to which the land use codes are current. If year 2010, this reflects land use codes that have NOT been field surveyed and the codes were assigned as described in the "Development Process" below.Development ProcessThe PCPC acquired the Philadelphia Water Department's (PWD) tax parcel boundary feature class (2009) for use as base layer geometry. This parcel base does not contain transportation, park, or water features required for identification of land uses for every unit of land across the entire city. Separate feature classes were acquired by the PCPC to represent all other land features streets, highways and rail right of ways, rail yards, parks and open space, parking lots and sidewalks, and marine terminals. Multiple feature classes were merged into a single feature class in ArcGIS 9x to produce a seamless fabric of land and water features citywide. Gaps in the spatial fabric persisted where feature classes did not topologically align. Gaps, slivers and overlaps between features, resulting from the merge process, were identified and edited using ArcGIS geodatabase topology rules.The resulting draft “Land Use 2010” feature class was joined with the Office of Property Assessment (OPA), formerly BRT, real estate database (2009). The PCPC used OPA building description values from the real estate table as the basis for land use categorization. All features were attributed to the 2-digit level. PCPC staff checked and corrected these categorizations using the following resources: PhilaShops retail properties database (2003); Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation’s Industrial Market and Landuse Strategy report (2009), and Philadelphia Parks and Recreation (PPR) parks land and facilities database (2010). Under the Philadelphia2035 District Planning process, this feature class will undergo field verification as each Planning District project is completed. A total of 18 Planning Districts will be surveyed from 2011 to 2016. Field verification results in corrections to land use attributes and population of the 3-digit land use codes, which cannot otherwise cannot be determined without field inspection. Revisions to this land use feature class will be posted as survey work and evaluation for each Planning District is fully completed. Thematic MappingFor thematic mapping, use the c_dig2 or c_Dig2Desc fields. The c_Dig2Desc field maintains the full text description of the 2-digit land use codes (e.g., 11 = Residential Low Density). An ESRI ArcGIS layer file (.lyr) with pre-set symbology is available from the PCPC. Symbol RGB Values11 - Residential Low : 255, 255, 20412 - Residential Medium : 245, 255, 1813 - Residential High : 255, 170, 021 - Commercial Consumer : 230, 0, 022 - Commercial Business/Professional : 168, 0, 023 -Mixed Commercial/Residential : 232, 149, 12131 - Industrial : 140, 0, 25541 - Civic/Institution: 0, 112, 25551 - Transportation : 204, 204, 20461 - Culture/Recreation : 0, 255, 23062 - Active Recreation: 155,204,179; 99, 204, 071 - Park/Open Space : 99, 204, 072 - Cemetery : 99, 204, 0; 107, 126, 14781 - Water : 191, 232, 25591 - Vacant: 168, 112, 092 - Other/Unknown: 107, 126, 174; 210, 210, 210
Copyright Text: Created by Mark Wheeler, GISP Maintained by PCPC GIS Divison
Darshna Patel, GISP, GIS Manager at PCPC
1515 Arch Street, 13th Floor
Philadelphia PA 19102
Description: This data layer of Philadelphia neighborhoods was created and devised by the Community Planning Division of Philadelphia City Planning Commission.These are general boundaries that historically have been in place around the city. They fall along the lines of development patterns, historic references and known names. They do not follow RCO boundaries and often do not align with community groups. They should not be interpreted as "official" boundaries in any way. Data Development: N/AKey attribute field names and descriptions:N/ACoordinate system:Projection: Lambert Conformal ConicXY Coordinate System: NAD 1983 State Plane Pennsylvania South FIPS 3702 (US Feet)Datum: NAD 1983Units of Measurement: Foot_USThematic mapping:N/AOther information:N/A
Copyright Text: Philadelphia City Planning Commission's Community Planning Division
Uploaded by Pauline Loughlin
Philadelphia City Planning Commission
1515 Arch Street, 13 Fl, Philadelphia, PA 19102, (215) 683 - 4662
GIS Manager: Darshna Patel, (215) 683-4611
Description: Boundary developed for Promise Zone application to federal government by City of Philadelphia in 2013. Primarily based on census tract boundaries.Key attribute field names and descriptions:N/ACoordinate System: PA Stateplane South, NAD83, US Survey FootThematic mapping:N/AOther information:N/A
Copyright Text: Andrew Meloney, City Planning Commission, (215) 683-4656
Uploaded by Pauline Loughlin
Philadelphia City Planning Commission
1515 Arch Street, 13 Fl, Philadelphia, PA 19102, (215) 683 - 4662
GIS Manager: Darshna Patel, (215) 683-4611
Description: The boundaries for the disticts of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Philadelphia - Philadelphia2035. Attributes include the District name and it's place in scheduling. Layer updated 02/05/2013.Data Development:N/AKey attribute field names and descriptions:N/ACoordinate system:Lambert_Conformal_Conic, NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_FeetThematic mapping:N/AOther information:N/A
Copyright Text: Philadelphia City Planning Commission
1515 Arch Street, 13 Fl, Philadelphia, PA 19102
GIS Manager: Darshna Patel (215) 683-4611 and
Description: Each ward contains no fewer than 10 and no more than 50 divisions. Ward leaders are elected by their party's committeepeople. Learn more about Democratic Ward Leaders and Committeepeople : Development:N/AKey Attribute Fields:Short_Div_Num: Number includes only the division numberDivision_Num: Includes ward and division numberCoordinate System:Projection: Lambert Conformal ConicXY Coordinate System: NAD 1983 StatePlane Pennsylvania South FIPS 3702 (US Feet)Datum: NAD 1983Units of Measurement: Foot_USThematic Mapping: Only use Attribute Field Short_Div_Num for labeling when Wards layer is on the map too. If Wards layer is not on map then use Division_Num field for labeling. As this field truely identifies the division number.Other Information:N/A
Copyright Text: Philadelphia City Planning Commission 1515 Arch Street, 13 Fl, Philadelphia, PA 19102
GIS Manager: Darshna Patel (215) 683-4611 and
Description: Each ward contains no fewer than 10 and no more than 50 divisions. Ward leaders are elected by their party's committeepeople. Learn more about Democratic Ward Leaders and Committeepeople : Development:N/AKey Attribute Fields:WARD_NUM: Ward NumberCoordinate System:GCS_North_American_1983, Datum: D_North_American_1983, Greenwich, DegreeThematic Mapping:Use WARD_NUM for thematic mapping and labeling.Other Information:N/A
Copyright Text: Philadelphia City Planning Commission
1515 Arch Street, 13 Fl, Philadelphia, PA 19102
GIS Manager: Darshna Patel (215) 683-4611 and
Description: Polygon boundaries of Zoning Base Districts based on existing City zoning districts with revised codes applied per enactment of the new Zoning Code of December 2011, made effective August 22, 2012. District boundaries unchanged from previous zoning with the exception of certain CMX2 / CMX2.5 splits.Data Development:Key attribute fields and descriptions:CODE – Zoning code without the dash (often used for labeling maps at small scales)LONG_CODE – The Zoning code with the dash includedZONING GROUP – generalized group of zoning codes (i.e. Residential Multi-Family, Residential/Residential Mixed-Use, Commercial/Commercial Mixed-Use...)Coordinate system:Lambert_Conformal_Conic, NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_FeetThematic mapping:CODE – Zoning code without the dash (often used for labeling maps at small scales)LONG_CODE – The Zoning code with the dash includedZONIN_ GROUP – generalized group of zoning codes (i.e. Residential Multi-Family, Residential/Residential Mixed-Use, Commercial/Commercial Mixed-Use...)To obtain a Zoning Base District layer file, please contact Darshna Patel (, (215) 683-4611) or Pauline Loughlin (, (215) 683 - 4662).Other InformationThis layer has two related tables. These related tables are great assets for quickly executing zoning-related queries (i.e. all zoning districts categorized as Residential Single Family Detached, all zoning districts falling within the Residential Multi-Family generalized group, or all districts categorized as Auot-Oriented Commercial 1 and 2...)Zoning_Descriptions- This table names the detailed zoning description for each zoning code (i.e. Residential Single Family Detached-3, Residential Mixed-Use-2, Industrial Commercial Mixed-Use...)Zoning_Generalized_Groups- Generalized group of zoning codes (i.e. Residential Multi-Family, Residential/Residential Mixed-Use, Commercial/Commercial Mixed-Use...)Philadelphia Zoning-Related Websites:Zoning Code -- and navigate to Title 14Zonng Map -- On pop-up menu scroll down to 'Zoning'Zoning Administration Manual --
Copyright Text: Pauline Loughlin
Philadelphia City Planning Commission
1515 Arch Street, 13 Fl, Philadelphia, PA 19102, (215) 683 - 4662
GIS Manager: Darshna Patel, (215) 683-4611
Description: Polygon boundaries of Registered Community Organizations (RCO) as established under Section 14-303 (12) of the City of Philadelphia Zoning Code enacted December 15, 2011 and made effective August 22, 2012. RCO’s register with the City Planning Commission and are notified of projects requiring Zoning Board approval or Civic Design Review. RCO boundaries may overlap as permitted by the Zoning Code.DATA DEVELOPMENT:Boundaries were constructed by PCPC using self-reported geographic descriptions by the RCO in ArcGIS Desktop and referenced to Streets Dept., streets centerlines. KEY ATTRIBUTE FIELDS:RCO Name: Name of Registered Community OrganizationType: Type of RCO.Expire Date: Date RCO registration with PCPC expiresExpire Year: Year RCO registration with PCPC expires Contact: Primary RCO contact personEmail: RCO contact emailCOORDINATE SYSTEM:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD83, PA South Stateplane coordinates, US Foot.THEMATIC MAPPINGUse the RCO_NAME field for thematic mapping and labeling.OTHER INFORMATIONN/A
Copyright Text: Andrew Meloney,, 215-683-4656
Pauline Loughlin,, 215-683-4662
Philadelphia City Planning Commission
1515 Arch Street, 13 Fl, Philadelphia, PA 19102-1583
Name: Philly Planning Zoning Steep Slope Protect Area
Display Field: OVERLAY_SY
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Polygon boundaries of the City's Steep Slope Zoning Overlay District enacted under Section 14-704(2) of the Zoning Code of December 2011 and made effective August 22, 2012. DATA DEVELOPMENT:Features produced in ArcGIS Desktop using PA South Stateplane coordinates, NAD83, US Foot.KEY ATTRIBUTE FIELDS:Overlay Name: Name of Overlay DistrictOverlay Symbol: Symbol or text used to denote the Overlay District on a map.Code Section: Reference to the section of the Zoning Code describing the Overlay DistrictCode Link: Hyperlink to the American Legal website containing a copy of the Philadelphia Zoning Code Regulation Type: Brief summary of the uses regulated under the Overlay DistrictSunset Date: Date on which a particular Overlay District is to end and cease to be law.COORDINATE SYSTEM:Lambert_Conformal_Conic, NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_Feet, US FootTHEMATIC MAPPING:N/AOTHER INFORMATION:N/A
Copyright Text: Pauline Loughlin
Philadelphia City Planning Commission 1515 Arch Street, 13 Fl, Philadelphia, PA 19102, (215) 683 - 4662
GIS Manager: Darshna Patel, (215) 683-4611