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Home > services > pasda > ChesterCounty (MapServer) > Chester County Railroads 201306 > iteminfo | Help | API Reference |
snippet: | |
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maxScale: | 0 |
typeKeywords: | [] |
description: | This data represents the railroad centerlines for Chester County. Only active rails and rails that are in place, but do not have current service are represented in this data layer. Rail lines that have been abandoned are represented in the historic rail data layer. The railroad centerlines were originally based on aerial photographs taken April 7, 1993. Updates to the layer have been made based on additional research and aerial photograph taken in spring 2000. |
licenseInfo: | |
catalogPath: | |
title: | Chester County Railroads 201306 |
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tags: | [] |
culture: | en-US |
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minScale: | 0 |
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