This layer identifies the active poles for the Street Lighting and Traffic Engineering Divisions of the City of Philadelphia Streets Department. Specifically, these are the poles that can be found in the "real world".DATA DEVELOPMENT:Point Data was plotted by Streets GIS staff under the direction of the Street Lighting and Traffic Engineering Divisions of the Streets Department. Data was initially created using data either converted from PWD or from sketches provided by Street Lighting and Traffic. Today sketch drawing are still used and a mobile device piece was incorporated to create and update in the field. KEY ATTRIBUTE FIELDS:POLE_NUM: Unique identifierTYPE: Acronym that describes the pole type and style. Contact GIS Data Contact below for translations.AAMPAvenue of the Arts Mast Arm PoleAAPTAvenue of the Arts Street Light PoleAELAlley PoleC13Traffic C Post 13'C20Traffic C Post 20'CCPCenter City Pedestrian PoleCCRCenter City Roadway PoleCHPChestnut Hill Street Light PoleD30Traffic D PoleFLPFranklin Light PoleMAPTraffic Mast Arm PoleMAPTTraffic Mast Arm Pole (Twin Light)MLPMillenium Light PoleMLPTMillenium Light Pole (Twin Light)OTHOtherOTHTOther (Twin Light)PDTPennDot PolePDTTPennDot Pole (Twin Light)PKYParkway Street Light PolePKYTParkway Street Light Pole (Twin Pole)PTAPost Top Pole (Aluminum)PTCPost Top Pole (Concrete)PTFPost Top Pole (Fiberglass)PVTPrivate PolePVTTPrivate Pole (Twin Light)RPRadar Traffic PoleSLAStreet Light AluminumSLATStreet Light Aluminum (Twin Light)SLFStreet Light FiberglassSLFTStreet Light Fiberglass (Twin Light)SMStructure MountedSMPStrawberry Mansion Bridge PoleSNPSign PoleSWPSpan Wire PoleTPTrolley PoleWPWood PoleWPTWood Pole (Twin Light)CTPChinatown PoleSSPSouth Street Tower PoleSMBSepta Millennia Bridge PoleJMBJFK Blvd Millennia Bridge PoleMMBMarket St Millennia Bridge PoleCMBChestnut St Millennia Bridge PoleWMBWalnut St Millennia Bridge PoleSMABStrawberry Mansion Arch Bridge PoleFBFalls Bridge PoleRLPRed Light Camera PoleTCBTraffic Control BoxAASPAvenue of the Arts Signal PoleCPCarrier PoleNLUMIN: light lumin count LUM_SIZE: light wattagesHEIGHT: light heightPOLE_DATE: creation dateUP_DATE: data update dateOWNER: pole owner TAP_ID: identifies the poles tap poleBLOCK: References a map that was used to plot Alley (AEL) PolesPLATE: References a map that was used to plot Alley (AEL) PolesCOORDINATE SYSTEM:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD83, PA South Stateplane coordinates, US Foot.THEMATIC MAPPING:Use the POLE_ID field for thematic mapping and labeling. |