Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata Catalog. For any questions about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata Catalog. For any questions about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata Catalog. For any questions about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: The street nodes layer represents intersections of the segments that make up the street centerline. The street centerline represents all drivable streets within the city of Philadelphia, public and private, as well some walkways that have addressed properties.Date Development:Data is derived from street centerline coverage. The data is updated in accordance with the centerline update every 2 months. Key Attribute Fields:NODE_ID-Unique identifier for each node INT_ID-Value of lowest node_id in multiple node intersections. UPDATE_-Date of most recent update to feature INTERSECTI-The intersection name as represented by the street names on two of the attached arcs. They will be the first two names in alphabetical order Coordinate System:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD83, PA South Stateplane coordinates, US Foot.Thematic mapping:NODE_ID or INTERSECTI can be used for labels, depending on the focus of the map.
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Dominick Cassise 215-686-5185,
Description: This layer identifies the active poles for the Street Lighting and Traffic Engineering Divisions of the City of Philadelphia Streets Department. Specifically, these are the poles that can be found in the "real world".DATA DEVELOPMENT:Point Data was plotted by Streets GIS staff under the direction of the Street Lighting and Traffic Engineering Divisions of the Streets Department. Data was initially created using data either converted from PWD or from sketches provided by Street Lighting and Traffic. Today sketch drawing are still used and a mobile device piece was incorporated to create and update in the field. KEY ATTRIBUTE FIELDS:POLE_NUM: Unique identifierTYPE: Acronym that describes the pole type and style. Contact GIS Data Contact below for translations.AAMPAvenue of the Arts Mast Arm PoleAAPTAvenue of the Arts Street Light PoleAELAlley PoleC13Traffic C Post 13'C20Traffic C Post 20'CCPCenter City Pedestrian PoleCCRCenter City Roadway PoleCHPChestnut Hill Street Light PoleD30Traffic D PoleFLPFranklin Light PoleMAPTraffic Mast Arm PoleMAPTTraffic Mast Arm Pole (Twin Light)MLPMillenium Light PoleMLPTMillenium Light Pole (Twin Light)OTHOtherOTHTOther (Twin Light)PDTPennDot PolePDTTPennDot Pole (Twin Light)PKYParkway Street Light PolePKYTParkway Street Light Pole (Twin Pole)PTAPost Top Pole (Aluminum)PTCPost Top Pole (Concrete)PTFPost Top Pole (Fiberglass)PVTPrivate PolePVTTPrivate Pole (Twin Light)RPRadar Traffic PoleSLAStreet Light AluminumSLATStreet Light Aluminum (Twin Light)SLFStreet Light FiberglassSLFTStreet Light Fiberglass (Twin Light)SMStructure MountedSMPStrawberry Mansion Bridge PoleSNPSign PoleSWPSpan Wire PoleTPTrolley PoleWPWood PoleWPTWood Pole (Twin Light)CTPChinatown PoleSSPSouth Street Tower PoleSMBSepta Millennia Bridge PoleJMBJFK Blvd Millennia Bridge PoleMMBMarket St Millennia Bridge PoleCMBChestnut St Millennia Bridge PoleWMBWalnut St Millennia Bridge PoleSMABStrawberry Mansion Arch Bridge PoleFBFalls Bridge PoleRLPRed Light Camera PoleTCBTraffic Control BoxAASPAvenue of the Arts Signal PoleCPCarrier PoleNLUMIN: light lumin count LUM_SIZE: light wattagesHEIGHT: light heightPOLE_DATE: creation dateUP_DATE: data update dateOWNER: pole owner TAP_ID: identifies the poles tap poleBLOCK: References a map that was used to plot Alley (AEL) PolesPLATE: References a map that was used to plot Alley (AEL) PolesCOORDINATE SYSTEM:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD83, PA South Stateplane coordinates, US Foot.THEMATIC MAPPING:Use the POLE_ID field for thematic mapping and labeling.
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Dominick Cassise 215-686-5185,
Description: Big Belly brand waste baskets maintained/collected by the City of Philadelphia.Data Development:Big Belly baskets location information was captured with a GPS as the baskets were placed and is maintained by the Big Belly corporation for the CLEAN website used in the maintenance of these baskets. This data is based on periodic snapshots of the data given to us by Big Belly.Key attribute field names and descriptions:SERIALNUM – Serial NumberDescription – corner and address as captured by Big BellyRecycler – Whether Big Belly unit is only trash can (no) or has an attached recycler (yes)Coordinate system:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_Feet Thematic mapping:The field DESCRIPTION can be used for labels.
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Max Steinbrenner 215-686-5093,
Description: Non Big Belly waste baskets maintained/collected by the City of PhiladelphiaData Development:Waste basket location information was provided by Sanitation and verified where possible using either Orthophotography or StreetView software such as Google StreetMap or Bing StreetView. Updates made as necessary by Sanitation.Key attribute field names and descriptions:ADDRESS – Verified City AddressCORNERSIDE – Corner or side of street for waste basket locationCoordinate system:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_Feet Thematic mapping:The field ADDRESS can be used for labels.
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Max Steinbrenner 215-686-5093,
Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata Catalog. For any questions about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata Catalog. For any questions about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata Catalog. For any questions about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata Catalog. For any questions about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata Catalog. For any questions about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata Catalog. For any questions about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: Arcs that make up the Leaf Collection Polygon borders for the City of PhiladelphiaData Development:The leaf collection areas feature class was created by the Streets Department, originally in 2002. This layer shows areas of the city that need special leaf collection due to higher tree density. Key attribute field names and descriptions:SEG_ID: The unique identifierSCHEDULE: Mechanical service and bag drop off scheduleBD_NAME: The street nameCoordinate system:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_Feet Thematic mapping:The field BD_NAME can be used for labels.
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Max Steinbrenner 215-686-5093,
Description: Streets in the City of Philadelphia where trucks are not allowedData Development:This line segment layer is derived from the streets centerline and was developed by the Streets Department of Philadelphia. Permit information for closed streets are mapped and updated as more permits are requested and as permits expire.Key Attribute Fields:YEAR-Year that segment was added to classification ST_CODE-Unique Street ID code SEG_ID-Unique Street Segment ID code ON_-Street name of segmentST_NAME-Street name FROM_-Name of street at start of segment TO_-Name of street at terminus of segment STNAME-Concatenation of street prefix, name, type and suffix ONEWAY-Travel direction of traffic COORDINATE SYSTEM:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD83, PA South Stateplane coordinates, US Foot.Thematic mapping:The field STNAME can be used for labels and thematic mapping.
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Andrew Newell 215-686-5187,
Description: Summary:City of Philadelphia paving plan for 2015 that displays paving project funding, City - Local Funding, City - Federal Funding, and State FundingFeatures updated: 05/01/2015Attributes updated: 05/01/2015Metadata updated 05/01/2015Update Frequency: As NeededPublic = YesLayer NameThe layers shown are query layers based off of a spatial view derived from the Streets Department paving data. The layers are:City - Local FundingCity - Federal FundingStateData Development:These layers were created through the use of a query layer within ArcGIS ArcMap. We accessed our Paving Database and created a spatial layer of the data by connecting our paving data which is in a SQL database to the City's Street Centerline layer to give the Paving data spatial context.Key Attribute Fields:ProjectNumber: Indicates the Project Number that this street segments paving project is under.ProjectName: Identifies what group will be performing the work.PWDExport: Was used to identify projects within the city's Cityworks database.BidNumber: Indicates the Bid Number that the segments paving project fell under.Funding: Identifies who is funding the project.Seg_ID: Indicates the Segment ID for that portion of the road.Year: Identifies the year the project is to take place.Shape: Is used for spatial context and is not something typically used in analysis by usersESRI_OID: A unique ID created in order to query the data within the layer in ArcMapCoordinate systemProjected Coordinate System: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_FeetProjection: Lambert_Conformal_ConicFalse_Easting: 1968500.00000000False_Northing: 0.00000000Central_Meridian: -77.75000000Standard_Parallel_1: 39.93333333Standard_Parallel_2: 40.96666667Latitude_Of_Origin: 39.33333333Linear Unit: Foot_USGeographic Coordinate System: GCS_North_American_1983Datum: D_North_American_1983Prime Meridian: GreenwichAngular Unit: DegreeThematic mappingAs this map currently sits, it is based off the Funding field using a definition query ( ex. Funding = 'FEDERAL', Funding = 'STATE', and Funding = 'Local'). Other options for displaying this data would be to base it off the ProjectNumber, ProjectName, or BidNumber fields. Other InformationKeep in mind the three layers you are seeing here are copies of one another and the only difference is the definition query, so each layer is based off of 1 of the 3 different funding options. In order to get a view of all the data, make sure you remove the definition query and/or append the 3 layers together in your own arcmap environment
Copyright Text: Andrew Newell, Lead GIS Analyst | City of Philadelphia, Streets Department | 1401 JFK Blvd. MSB Suite 880 | | 215-686-5036
Description: Abstract:Coverage of all the sanitation districts containing line, point, and polygon data used by the City.Data Development:These are the arcs that make up the polygon features in Santitation Districts. Originally created in 1993 to assist in the organization of the city's trash removal operations. This layer contains 13 different sanitation districts. Key attribute field names and descriptions:F_NAME: street nameSANDIS: sanitation districtCoordinate system:Lambert_Conformal_Conic, NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_FeetThematic mapping:The field F_NAME can be used to label the features based on street name.
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Max Steinbrenner 215-686-5093,
Description: Snow Category MapThis layer is used by GSG to support the currently mothballed Snowcat Snowstorm Category application. This categorization system is not currently observed by the Streets Dept. or the city, but there remains the possibility that it could be revived by the commissioner or managing director's office in the future. This layer should only be visible by streets account power users using sde connection to geodb2. Data Development:Key Attribute field names and descriptions:SEG_ID: The unique segment id SNOWCAT: The snow category: Not Treated By City, SnowCat 1-5, or SnowCat 5. Coordinate system: Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_Feet Thematic mapping:The field SNOWCAT can be used to label attributes based on their snow category.
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Max Steinbrenner 215-686-5093,
Description: Abstract:The street centerline represents streets and walkways dedicated to the city, some private streets and walkways, and additional segments not meeting either classification. All street segments lie generally within the boundaries of the City of Philadelphia. Each street segment has a unique identifier attribute.Data Development:The centerline is updated when city plan makes a change in the records. Also, when the traffic engineering group can make or see a change that the centerline would need upating from. Key Attribute Fields:PRE_DIR-Directional prefix of complete street name ST_NAME-Street name ST_TYPE-Street type designation SUF_DIR-Directional suffix of complete street name ZIP_LEFT-Zip code on left side of arc ZIP_RIGHT-Zip code on right side of arc L_F_ADD-"From" address attribute on left side of arc L_T_ADD-"To" address attribute on left side of arc R_F_ADD-"From" address attribute on right side of arc R_T_ADD-"To" address attribute on right side of arc ST_CODE-street code L_HUNDRED-address hundred block on left side of arc R_HUNDRED-address hundred block on right side of arc SEG_ID-unique identifier of arc ONEWAY-Denotes travel direction of arc in conjunction with arc direction STNAME-Concatenated field consisting of Pre_dir, St_name, St_type, Suf_dir items CLASS-Street class of arc; 0-Navy Yard; 1-Expressways; 2-Major Arterial; 3-Minor Arterial; 4-Collector; 5-Local; 6-Driveway; 9-Low Speed Ramps; 10-High Speed Ramps; 12-Non Travable; 14-City Boundary; 15-Walking Connector; RESPONSIBL - This is the field for responsibility of the street arc. Responsibility may include snow removal, paving, and sanitation needs. ' '– City of Philadelphia is assumed unless otherwise noted'AIRPORT'– Philadelphia International Airport 'BCBC'– Burlington County Bridge Commission (ex: Tacony Palmyra Bridge) 'DRPA' – Delaware River Port Authority (ex: Benjamin Franklin Bridge)'FAIRMOUNT PARK'– Fairmount Park system, including paths or trails within parks'FAM'– Federal Aid Management from PENNDOT'PHA' – Philadelphia Housing Authority 'PIDC'– Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (ex: Navy Yard)'PRIVATE'– Privately owned streets 'SEPTA' – SEPTA (South East Pennsylvania Transportation Authority) 'STATE'– State of Pennsylvania 'STRICKEN'– The street no longer exists and is not the city’s responsibility 'TOWNSHIP'– The surrounding township’s responsibility, streets located along the boundary of the city limitsCoordinate System:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD83, PA South Stateplane coordinates, US FootThematic Mapping:Use the field STNAME (without the underscore) for labels. Other Information:N/A
Copyright Text: Dominick Cassise, GIS Specialist II 215-686-5185
Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Description: The Arterial layer represents all of the streets in the City of Philadelphia street centerline that the Traffic Division of the Streets Department classified as arterials: class 2 and 3. Data Development:The Arterial layer is derived from the Street Centerline. It is updated in accordance with the centerline update every 2 months. Key Attribute Fields:ST_CODE-Unique Street ID code STNAME-Concatenated field consisting of Pre_dir, St_name, St_type, Suf_dir items SEG_ID-Unique Street Segment ID code CLASS-Street class of arc; 1-Expressways; 2-Major Arterial; 3-Minor Arterial; 4-Collector; 5-Local Coordinate System:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD83, PA South Stateplane coordinates, US Foot.Thematic mapping:STNAME can be used for labels.
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Dominick Cassise 215-686-5185,
Description: This layer identifies the preventative maintenance district boundaries for the Traffic Division of the City of Philadelphia Streets Department. Preventative maintenance is necessary for traffic signals and is performed while the equipment is still working, so that it does not break down unexpectedly.DATA DEVELOPMENT:Boundary Polygon Data was constructed by Streets GIS staff under the direction of the Traffic Engineering Divison and created using the most current composite layer in ArcGIS Desktop (See update dates in summary). These arcs can be used to easily label all borders of the subsections using the F_NAME field. Lastly, these arcs can be used to recreate the subdistricts and PM districts if changes are necessary.KEY ATTRIBUTE FIELDS:F_NAME: Unique identifierCOORDINATE SYSTEM:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD83, PA South Stateplane coordinates, US Foot.THEMATIC MAPPING:Use the F_NAME field for thematic mapping and labeling.
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Dominick Cassise 215-686-5185,
Description: Abstract:Zip code boundaries expressed as a line feature class for the City of Philadelphia.Data Development:Several data sets and sources were used to create the most accurate representation of the zip code boundaries. Starting with a previous iteration of zip code border data, existing borders were compared to data from the US Census Bureau (Zip Code Tabulation Areas). This data was then reconciled with current Zip code information from the United States Postal Service (the authority on zip codes) to get the most current data possible. Several borders were modified to account for changes or cartographic considerations.Key attribute field names and descriptions:CODE: Zip code for each polygon.Coordinate system:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD83, PA South Stateplane coordinates, US Foot.Thematic mapping:Use the CODE field for thematic mapping and labeling.Other InformationZip Code Tabulation Areas were developed by the US Census Bureau to overcome difficulties in precisely defining the land area covered by each Zip Code. The ZCTAs are generalized area representation of the USPS Zip code service areas, but are not the same as Zip codes. There is no correlation between ZIP codes and Census Bureau geography. In addition, the USPS frequently realigns, merges or splits ZIP codes to meet changing needs. ZCTAs are constructed by aggregating the Census 2000 blocks whose addresses use a given ZIP code. The census bureau took the ZIP code used by the majority of addresses in each census unit at the time the data was compiled. As a result, some addresses end up with a ZCTA code that is different from their ZIP code.
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Max Steinbrenner 215-686-5093,
Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata Catalog. For any questions about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata Catalog. For any questions about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata Catalog. For any questions about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata Catalog. For any questions about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata Catalog. For any questions about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata Catalog. For any questions about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: The City of Philadelphia has migrated metadata for this data set to the City-wide Metadata Catalog. For any questions about the migration and administration of the Metadata Catalog, please contact To view the metadata for this layer, please visit:
Description: Boundary coverage of Leaf collection Areas in the City of PhiladelphiaData Development:The leaf collection areas feature class was created by the Streets Department, originally in 2002. This layer shows areas of the city that need special leaf collection due to higher tree density. Key attribute field names and descriptions:FID_POLYGON: The unique id LEAF2005_: This is an unused field. TO BE DELETEDLEAF2005_I: This is an unused field. TO BE DELETEDDISTRICT: The Sanitation districtWEEKNUM: The number of weeks during the leaf collection scheduleSCHEDULE: The dates that correspond with the week number of collectionCoordinate system:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_Feet Thematic mapping:The field SCHEDULE can be used for labels. Other information:N/A
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Max Steinbrenner 215-686-5093,
Description: Boundary coverage of Leaf collection Areas in the City of PhiladelphiaData Development:The leaf collection areas feature class was created by the Streets Department, originally in 2002. This layer shows areas of the city that need special leaf collection due to higher tree density. Key attribute field names and descriptions:FID_POLYGON: The unique id LEAF2005_: This is an unused field. TO BE DELETEDLEAF2005_I: This is an unused field. TO BE DELETEDDISTRICT: The Sanitation districtWEEKNUM: The number of weeks during the leaf collection scheduleSCHEDULE: The dates that correspond with the week number of collectionCoordinate system:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_Feet Thematic mapping:The field SCHEDULE can be used for labels. Other information:N/A
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Max Steinbrenner 215-686-5093,
Description: Abstract:To show the diversion rate for the city of Philadelphia.Data Development:This layer was originally created in 2008 to show the diversion rate of the rubbish collection tonnage divided by the recycling collection tonnage by Sanitation collection day. The diversion data goes back as far as 2001. There are 65 Sanitation polygons. The score ranges from 0 to 19.4. Key attribute field names and descriptions:OBJECTID: The unique identifierSCORE: Total tons of recycling divided by the total tons of trash Coordinate system:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_Feet Thematic mapping:The field SCORE can be used for labels and thematic mapping.
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Max Steinbrenner 215-686-5093,
Description: This is a boundary file identifying rubbish/recycling collection days, sanitation distiricts, and areas for the City of Philadelphia.Data Development:Attribute_Accuracy_Report: All relevant arcs are derived from Streets: Boundary Source Composite Logical_Consistency_Report: Attributes have been tested for valid values. Boundary file is used to generate plots of collection days so has been thoroughly tested for accuracy by field use. Completeness_Report: This coverage covers the City of Philadelphia. No service is provided to the Naval Business District so this polygon is identified as Sanitation District 7 with no collection days. Fairmount Park does not receive collection by the Streets Department but some of the park is included within Sanitation Districts. Some of Fairmount Park falls within a collection day, some has only a district designation for cartographic reasons only. Key Attribute Fields & Description:SANDIS: Sanitation District ID COLLDAY: Collection Day DISDAY: Sanitation District, Collection Day Entity_and_Attribute_Overview: Collection day and district are the key attributes in this file. These values are present on all label points, except in the Naval Services District and parts of Fairmount Park where there is no relevant collection day. These values are only present on the arcs if houses on both sides of the arc are serviced on the same day. Collection day is required in this case, and district is only required if the arc also represents a district boundary. Coordinate System:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_Feet Thematic Mapping:The field DISDAY can be used for labels and thematic mapping.
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Max Steinbrenner 215-686-5093,
Description: Abstract:City of Philadelphia coverage of all the sanitation areas containing line, point, and polygon data used by the City.Data Development:Originally created in 1993 to assist in the organization of the city's trash removal operations. This layer contains 6 different sanitation areas. Key Attribute field names and descriptions:Attribute_Label: SANAREA Attribute_Definition: Sanitation Area ID Coordinate System:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_Feet Thematic mapping:The field SANAREA can be used for labels. Other information:N/A
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Max Steinbrenner 215-686-5093,
Description: Abstract:Coverage of all the sanitation districts containing line, point, and polygon data used by the City.Data Development:Originally created in 1993 to assist in the organization of the city's trash removal operations. This layer contains 13 different sanitation districts. Key Attribute Field Names and descriptions:SANDIS: Sanitation District Coordinate System:Lambert_Conformal_Conic, NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_FeetThematic Mapping:The field SANDIS can be used to label features based on their sanitation district number. Other Information:N/A
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Max Steinbrenner 215-686-5093,
Description: This layer delineates the street lighting route district polygon data used by the City of Philadelphia used for distribution of work for the Street Lighting Division.DATA DEVELOPMENT:Boundary Polygon Data was constructed by Streets GIS staff under the direction of the Street Lighting Division and created using the most current composite layer in ArcGIS Desktop. (See update dates in summary)KEY ATTRIBUTE FIELDS:DISTRICT: Unique identifierCOORDINATE SYSTEM:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD83, PA South Stateplane coordinates, US Foot.THEMATIC MAPPING:Use the DISTRICT field for thematic mapping and labeling.
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Dominick Cassise 215-686-5185,
Street Lighting Contact: Luke Hogan 215.906.1598
Description: This layer identifies the preventative maintenance district boundaries for the Traffic Division of the City of Philadelphia Streets Department. Preventative maintenance is necessary for traffic signals and is performed while the equipment is still working, so that it does not break down unexpectedly.DATA DEVELOPMENT:Boundary Polygon Data was constructed by Streets GIS staff under the direction of the Traffic Engineering Divison and created using the most current composite layer in ArcGIS Desktop. (See update dates in summary)KEY ATTRIBUTE FIELDS:PM_DIST: Unique identifierSUB_DIST: Referenced subdistrict numberCOORDINATE SYSTEM:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD83, PA South Stateplane coordinates, US Foot.THEMATIC MAPPING:Use the PM_DIST field for thematic mapping and labeling.
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Dominick Cassise 215-686-5185,
Description: ABSTRACT:This layer identifies the three district boundaries for the Traffic Division of the City of Philadelphia Streets Department. These are the largest operational jurisdictions used by the Philadelphia Streets Department Traffic Division. DATA DEVELOPMENT:Boundary Polygon Data was constructed by Streets GIS staff under the direction of the Traffic Engineering Divison and created using the most current composite layer in ArcGIS Desktop. (See update dates in summary)KEY ATTRIBUTE FIELDS:DISTRICT: Unique identifierCOORDINATE SYSTEM:Lambert Conformal Conic, NAD83, PA South Stateplane coordinates, US Foot.THEMATIC MAPPING:Use the DISTRICT field for thematic mapping and labeling.OTHER INFORMATION:N/A
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Dominick Cassise 215-686-5185,
Description: AbstractZip code boundaries expressed as a polygon feature class for the City of Philadelphia.Data DevelopmentSeveral data sets and sources were used to create the most accurate representation of the zip code boundaries. Starting with a previous iteration of zip code border data, existing borders were compared to data from the US Census Bureau (Zip Code Tabulation Areas). This data was then reconciled with current Zip code information from the United States Postal Service (the authority on zip codes) to get the most current data possible. Several borders were modified to account for changes or cartographic considerations.Key Attribute Field Names and DescriptionsCODE: Zip code for each polygon.Coordinate SystemLambert Conformal Conic, NAD83, PA South Stateplane coordinates, US Foot.Thematic MappingUse the CODE field for thematic mapping and labeling.Other InformationZip Code Tabulation Areas were developed by the US Census Bureau to overcome difficulties in precisely defining the land area covered by each Zip Code. The ZCTAs are generalized area representation of the USPS Zip code service areas, but are not the same as Zip codes. There is no correlation between ZIP codes and Census Bureau geography. In addition, the USPS frequently realigns, merges or splits ZIP codes to meet changing needs. ZCTAs are constructed by aggregating the Census 2000 blocks whose addresses use a given ZIP code. The census bureau took the ZIP code used by the majority of addresses in each census unit at the time the data was compiled. As a result, some addresses end up with a ZCTA code that is different from their ZIP code.
Copyright Text: Streets Department GIS Unit
Office of Innovation and Technology
City of Philadelphia
MSB - 1401 JFK Blvd
Suite 880
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact: Max Steinbrenner 215-686-5093,