Name: Stocked Trout Waters 202411
Display Field: GNIS_Name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline
Description: Stocked Trout WatersMany streams, lakes, ponds and reservoirs are officially classified as “stocked trout waters.” This means that these waters contain significant portions that are open to public fishing and are stocked with trout. The waters listed here are open to trout harvest during the “extended season” Unlisted tributary streams (those not included in this list of “stocked trout waters”) are not open to harvest of trout during the “extended season.” Only stocked trout waters and all waters downstream of stocked trout waters are open during this period. Spearing fish is not permitted in any of these waters at any time of the year.These waters are closed to all fishing (including taking of minnows) from March 1 to 8 a.m. on the opening day of the trout season. A person shall be deemed to be fishing if he or she has in possession any fishing line, rod or other device that can be used for fishing while on or in any water or on the banks within 25 feet of any water where fishing is prohibited.Stocked Trout Waters, Open to Year-round FishingWaters with this designation are considered “stocked trout waters.” From 8 a.m. opening day of trout through Labor Day, Commonwealth inland size and creel limits apply. From Jan. 1 through the end of February, and from the day after Labor Day through Dec. 31, “extended season” size and creel limits apply. These waters are open to fishing from March 1 to opening day of trout season; however, no trout may be taken or possessed on these waters during this period. It is unlawful to fish in rivers and streams designated as stocked trout waters open to year-round fishing without a current trout/salmon permit. A trout/salmon permit is not required to fish in lakes and ponds that have been designated as stocked trout waters open to year-round fishing unless the person takes, kills or possesses, while in the act of fishing, a trout or salmon on or in these waters.
Copyright Text: Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
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XMin: -80.51742000023279
YMin: 39.72216000018392
XMax: -74.78665147678419
YMax: 42.254430000344314
Spatial Reference: 4269
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Labeling Info:
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type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: GIS_Key, length: 50
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Reg_Name, length: 75
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Reg_Link, length: 150
Supported Operations:
Query Attachments
Query Analytic
Generate Renderer
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