The National Hydrography Dataset Plus High Resolution (NHDPlus HR) is a geospatial model for the flow of water across the landscape and through the stream network. The dataset is built using data at 1:24,000 scale or better. The dataset expands on the NHD with additional attribute data. This layer uses the NHDPlus HR to create a Pennsylvania-wide Strahler stream order database.
The layer includes unique identifiers for stream reaches (Reach Code) to allow joins with other stream datasets built off the NHD. PA Department of Environmental Protection’s non-attaining, impaired, streams layer (202301) was joined in this manner.
The Stream Integrated List is provided as two separate layers determined if the stream is attaining or not attaining its designated uses. DEP Streams Integrated List layer is maintained by the PADEP Office of Water Management, Bureau of Water Supply & Wastewater Management, Water Quality Assessment and Standards Division. The layer is based on the High Resolution National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). Additional update information is provided by Bureau of Watershed Management, Water Use Planning Division. |