Conservation Easements 202501 (0)
Farm Easements 202501 (1)
Federal 202501 (2)
Local 202501 (3)
Private 202501 (4)
State 202501 (5)
| Bureau of Forestry |
| Bureau of State Parks |
| Department of Environmental Protection |
| PA Fish & Boat Commission |
| PA Game Commission |
| PA Historical & Museum Commission |
| <all other values> |
Service Areas - Land Trust 202407 (6)
Service Areas - Environmental Advisory Councils 202407 (7)
Service Areas - Watershed Association 202407 (8)
NHD HR Stream Order PA (9)
| 1 - 2 |
| 3 - 3 |
| 4 - 4 |
| 5 - 5 |
| 6 - 5 |
| 6 - 6 |
| 7 - 7 |
| 8 - 8 |
| <all other values> |
Riparian Planting Prioritization Polygons 2019 (10)
Riparian Planting Prioritization Points 2019 (11)
Service Areas - Trail Groups 202407 (12)
Agricultural Security Areas 202310 (13)
Riparian Planting Prioritization Polygons Buffer 2021 (14)
| 0.220985 - 0.686960 |
| 0.686961 - 1.152934 |
| 1.152935 - 1.618908 |
| 1.618909 - 2.084882 |
| 2.084883 - 2.550856 |
DRB - Cluster 202401 (15)
DRB - Land Trust Associations 202401 (16)
DRB Protected Lands 202401 (17)
| Federal |
| Government Agricultural Easement |
| Government CE |
| Land Trust |
| Land Trust CE |
| Local |
| State |
DRB - Watershed Associations 202401 (18)
PA HUC02 (20)
PA HUC04 (21)
PA HUC06 (22)
PA HUC08 (23)
PA HUC10 (24)
PA HUC12 (25)
Service Areas - Land Trust - point 202112 (26)
DRB - Environmental Advisory Council 202401 (27)
Local Trails 202301 (28)
OSM Trails 202306 (29)