Description: State-owned and maintained public roads within Pennsylvania as extracted from the PENNDOT Roadway Management System (RMS). Includes fields describing pavement type, traffic volumes and other information as detailed below.
Copyright Text: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Description: United States Congressional legislative boundaries within Pennsylvania as set forth in Act 34 of 2002. This layer was digitized by PADOT from maps generated by the Reapportionment Commission for the Bureau of Commissions, Elections and Legislation Pennsylvania Dept. of State. These boundaries were used as the legislative district boundaries for the November 2002 general election and are currently being contested in the judicial system. The current layers are these same district boundary linework attributed with the current legislator's name, party affiliation and home county.
Copyright Text: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Description: Boundaries of municipalities within Pennsylvania as delineated for the PennDOT Type 10 general highway maps. Additional information comes from the Pennsylvania Bureau of Municipal Services. This layer contains all classifications of municipality including first and second class townships, boroughs, cities and the town.
Copyright Text: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Name: Pa Transportation Improvement Projects - Line 2024_05
Display Field: IMPROVEMEN
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline
Description: PennDOT's Transportation Improvement Projects. This dataset is Lines only and is part of the Multi-Modal Project Management System (MPMS). Combine with Transportation Improvement Projects (Lines) to view all data.
Copyright Text: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Name: PA Transportation Improvement Projects - Point 2024_05
Display Field: PROJECT_TI
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: PennDOT's Transportation Improvement Projects. This dataset is Points only and is part of the Multi-Modal Project Management System (MPMS). Combine with Transportation Improvement Projects (Points) to view all data.
Copyright Text: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation